4 Stock Photo Websites Loved by Leaders

In the quest to find the perfect image for your next project, we’ve gathered insights from creative professionals, including writers and founders. They share their experiences from using diverse and user-friendly platforms to those that are intuitive and empowering. Discover the top four stock/royalty-free photo websites that are highly recommended by these experts.


  • Pexels: Diverse and User-Friendly
  • Unsplash: Quality and Diversity
  • 500px: Unique Community Focus
  • Pixabay: Intuitive and Empowering

Pexels: Diverse and User-Friendly

Pexels is my preferred stock/royalty-free photo website for several reasons. Firstly, Pexels offers a vast and diverse collection of high-quality images contributed by a global community of photographers. The platform’s user-friendly interface and efficient search functionality make it easy to find the perfect image for various purposes.


Importantly, all content on Pexels is free for both personal and commercial use, eliminating concerns about licensing and royalties. The consistency in image quality, along with the convenience of downloading with no cost or attribution requirements, makes Pexels a reliable and go-to resource for obtaining professional and captivating visuals for a wide range of creative projects.


Damar W, Writer, Explainerd


Unsplash: Quality and Diversity

For finding the perfect stock photos for Total Shape, my go-to has always been Unsplash. The reason I swear by it is the incredible quality and diversity of images they offer. It’s all free.


Unsplash has a vast collection of high-resolution photos contributed by talented photographers from around the world. Whether I need images for workout routines, nutrition guides, or motivational content, Unsplash never disappoints. The site’s user-friendly interface and extensive search options also make it a breeze to find exactly what I’m looking for. Likewise, the photos are royalty-free, which is a huge win for us at Total Shape.


James Cunningham, Senior Coach, Total Shape


500px: Unique Community Focus

500px stands out as the best stock-photo website due to its unique focus on the photography community. Supporting photographers directly, it offers exclusive and high-quality visuals. This platform brings a differentiating factor by allowing businesses to access original and eye-catching images not available on other stock-photo platforms.


By using 500px, businesses can showcase their visual content with uniqueness and support talented artists.


Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company


Pixabay: Intuitive and Empowering

As a CEO leading a tech company, Pixabay is my favorite website for stock and royalty-free photos. Its intuitive layout makes it easy to navigate, find, and download the high-quality images we need for different aspects of the company, from branding to presentations.


I appreciate the vast and vibrant selection, offering an ideal piece of imagery for every situation. Pixabay also truly values its community of creators, which matches our own company ethos. It’s fuss-free and empowering. That’s why it’s my favorite.


Abid Salahi, Co-Founder and CEO, FinlyWealth

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