3 Major Shift in External Linking Strategies for SEO Content from 2024 to 2024

In the evolving landscape of SEO, understanding the nuances of external linking is crucial. We’ve gathered insights from top industry professionals, including a Digital Marketing Manager and a Marketing Manager, to highlight the significant changes. From emphasizing quality over quantity in links to a focus on link quality and relevance, explore the three key shifts in external linking strategies from 2021 to 2024.


  • Quality Over Quantity in Links
  • Prioritize Contextual Relevance
  • Emphasize High-Authority Sources


Quality Over Quantity in Links

Remember when external linking was all about quantity over quality? Not anymore. Nowadays, it’s about connecting with websites that truly matter. Think of it like networking in real life—you wouldn’t just hand out your business card to anyone, right? You’d want to make sure you’re connecting with people who are relevant to your field and who can offer valuable insights or opportunities.



It’s the same with external links. Google has gotten way better at understanding context, so it’s important to link to sites that are not only authoritative but also related to your topic. Think of it as building a community of trusted voices—it shows you’re part of the conversation and have something valuable to contribute.


Sasha Berson, Grow Chief Executive, Grow Law Firm


Prioritize Contextual Relevance

From 2021 to 2024, the strategy for external linking in SEO content writing has evolved significantly. The focus has shifted to prioritizing high-quality, authoritative sources that are contextually relevant to the content. 



This change enhances credibility and user experience, aligning with search engines’ emphasis on content authenticity and relevance. 


By linking to reputable sources that complement the topic, websites can improve their SEO performance, build trust with their audience, and potentially gain valuable backlinks.


Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy Nigeria


Emphasize High-Authority Sources

In my opinion, one major change in external linking strategy from 2021 to 2024 is the increased emphasis on linking to high-authority, relevant sources. Gone are the days when any external link could boost your SEO. Now, search engines prioritize the quality and relevance of the links you include.


I think this shift means you can’t just link to random sites to fill a quota. Instead, you need to be strategic and choose reputable sources that enhance your content’s credibility and provide real value to readers. 


Linking to authoritative sources not only helps with SEO but also builds trust with your audience. So, if you don’t step up your linking game, you’re missing out on both search engine favor and reader trust.


Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency


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